November 8, 2023

It’s officially fall here in Northern Michigan and with that brings a whole new wave of fishing opportunities! The Salmon season is still in full swing! We started off with a great number of Kings for the season. Fish are large this year, they showed up early and continue to make their way into the system. Although the waters were low and clear for a while, this paired with warmer than normal temps made hook ups at the start of the season a little tougher than usual. A few things have changed for the better as of late, including that we just received a week of much needed rain. Now that we are entering November, we are seeing the results that the rain and cooler temps have brought. Steelhead fishing a few weeks ago was off to an amazing start, we were seeing skippers all over the place. Unfortunately, there was a dam mishap and the Big Manistee River which normally sits around 1450 CFS dropped to 760 CFS in just a couple hours. However, they corrected that and let the Tippy Pond water rage over the dam, that caused the river water to warm a bit and that surge pushed millions of salmon eggs into every crevice of the river and with that the Steelhead had a buffet of fresh loose eggs to eat without any effort. After that we noticed the number of Steel hook ups went down a bit. Also, around that time we experienced a drastic change in temperature going from 35 average to 65 average. These factors had an impact on the river water temps/flows, the fish themselves, atmospheric pressure and so on. That is why this major switch back to cooler weather, cooler water temps, a good amount rain, better flows and better winds is so exciting now! We are starting to see Steelhead fishing turn around and we are getting several hook-ups a day. Coho Salmon are making a decent appearance as well, we except those to keep coming upriver in large pods as the weeks go by. To sum it all up, we are looking forward to the fall and specifically excited about the Steelhead season. Cohos are around, Kings are still moving up and there are some fresh ones to be caught. Beads are always a good option, try 6-8MMs when the water is lower and 10-12MM when the flows are up. Float fishing these under about a 15-18G fixed or slide float is effective. Same goes for flies, tie up one or two under your float. Some classic patterns that we can always rely on Hare Ears, Caddis Larva, Stone Flies, Hex Nymph patters, Wigglers, Egg Sucking Leeches, Buggers, Egg Patterns (try a bit of flash) and Pheasant Tails. Swinging soft hackles or small baitfish patterns can work if you’re looking for something different.
Follow us for more information or call for more details and day-to-day river information, hatch reports, weather reports and fish numbers!
Fly and Tackle Shop Hours
- Sunday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Monday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Tuesday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Wednesday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Thursday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Friday - 7 AM to 6 PM
- Saturday - 7 AM to 6 PM
Fly and Tackle Shop Extended Hours
- March 15 through April 30
- September 1 through November 15
- Friday - 7 AM to 7 PM
- Saturday - 7 AM to 7 PM
Stop by and and get the gear you need at the Manistee River Lodge Fly Shop!

August 4, 2023

August – A truly transitional time of year for us here in Northen Michigan. Hatches are not as thick; trout fishing is getting tricky and migratory fish are moving in! We’ve had 3 total days of good rain in the last month, which hasn’t made a dent in the low flows or high temps. This isn’t anything new for this time of year, it just means we have to find different ways to navigate the rivers and the ways we fish. Currently we are seeing water temps sitting steady at 70 plus in some areas. Trout, especially natives, are sensitive to the environment change. We highly suggest you target these beauties in the early am, before high sun or late afternoon into the evening, when the sun dips below the treetops. A few things you can do to help us keep the population of our Blue-Ribbon Trout Streams is pinching hook barbs, keeping them wet, head facing upstream and released as fast as possible. Due to daytime temps still in the high 80s and nighttime still at 60, trout may be reluctant to leave dark water. Think of this when you plan on fishing mid-day…. Trout are experiencing hot temps, they are going to sit in deeper, darker water to remain cool. Heat causes them to be less active, just like us, we don’t want to run and chase when it’s 80 degrees. In turn they aren’t going to chase a giant streamer that’s moving quickly and heading out of the dark to light transitions. Instead, they sit in that dark cooler water, waiting for a pats rubber leg, wet skunk, soft hackle or fry pattern to swing by their house. Another example would be for a hopper pattern to fall and twitch close to the structure they’re hanging in, or a dry fly to float right by them as an easy meal. Chubby Chernobyl’s, Pats Rubber Legs, Wet Skunks, Fry Patterns, Caddis, Stimulators, White Flies, Damsels, Midges and Tricos are your best bet for flies. Smaller spinners in Gold, Bronze, Copper, Black/Gold or Blue if your spin casting.
As we all know August means the start of King Salmon making their appearance in the rivers. Big Lake reports have been solid for a while now and we are seeing these big boys making their presence known! Although, they are yet to be holding in large numbers, and many of them shooting straight upstream, it’s nice to see the start of a great run! If we can get some more rain and a south wind, I am sure they will be taking over in no time! We have a wide variety of rods; both spinning and fly in stock to handle Kings! Also, we have every color and size of Thundersticks in stock. We carry braid, mono, weights, hooks, beads and more. Everything you need to insure your chances of success on the river!
Follow us for more information or call for more details and day-to-day river information, hatch reports, weather reports and fish numbers!
Fly and Tackle Shop Hours
- Sunday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Monday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Tuesday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Wednesday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Thursday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Friday - 7 AM to 6 PM
- Saturday - 7 AM to 6 PM
Fly and Tackle Shop Extended Hours
- March 15 through April 30
- September 1 through November 15
- Friday - 7 AM to 7 PM
- Saturday - 7 AM to 7 PM
Stop by and and get the gear you need at the Manistee River Lodge Fly Shop!

July 6, 2023

Happy July everyone! What a summer it has been so far, extremely hot and dry weather has had an impact on our area. The rivers are low and clear, and the fire danger is at an all-time high! We need rain badly, and quite a bit of it. Just a reminder to be extra careful while enjoying our area. The Hex hatch got a late start, so we are expecting it to continue for the rest of the week at least. It’s been great so far, a few nights of each week have seen blanket hatches, which can be overwhelming at times, as it seems there’s so many options that fish may not choose your fly. Keep switching until you find the one that works! Mousing has been picking up as well. Smack that thing down and pull some long slow twitches along the grass banks or log jams. Due to the time of year, high temps and low water, streamers, spinners and body baits will work best in the early mornings before the sun peaks or late afternoon into dusk once the sun starts to hide behind the tree line. This is because those times create shadows on the river. They are more comfortable to venture out of the log jams and cut banks when they have a shadow line for cover. Another thing to keep in mind entering July and August is to be extra careful when handling our precious trout. They rely on cool water and may be nosed up into the cold-water creeks that feed their river. They need to return quickly as the stress of being caught, the fight, hot air and handling, take a lot out of them, better to just “keep them wet” There’s something for everyone in our area, and all kinds of fishing techniques to take advantage of. Bass, Pike and Panfishing is great this time of year. Some areas you may want to visit if you’re looking for warm water species include Red Bridge or Blacksmith Bayou accesses on the Big Manistee, the back waters of either Tippy Dam or the Pines. These areas have great slow water pools where giants are hiding.
Looking forward
July and August are exciting times around here! We of course have mousing still, plenty of bug hatches and terrestrials can be a trout’s best friend! Hoppers, ants, beetles etc. start to take off in the coming weeks and it’s incredibly fun to twitch some buggy patterns along the grassy banks and watch the fish smack your fly! This can be an all-day bite as well, since there’s no real “hatch” time for terrestrials. Another thing we look forward to is King Salmon starting to make their way upriver! Look for them to around in good numbers around late July. Fresh fighting summer run Kings are eager to bite and will hit stones flies, woolly buggers, leaches, eggs etc.. Thundersticks, Rapala’s and Hot N Tots are always a go too. Our shop as always has everything you need to make a good day on the water, a great day on the water. Lures, flies, accessories and local knowledge make out shop the place to be. Call with any questions about fishing, more detailed information or questions about our area! Have a fun and safe summer.
Fly and Tackle Shop Hours
- Sunday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Monday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Tuesday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Wednesday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Thursday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Friday - 7 AM to 6 PM
- Saturday - 7 AM to 6 PM
Fly and Tackle Shop Extended Hours
- March 15 through April 30
- September 1 through November 15
- Friday - 7 AM to 7 PM
- Saturday - 7 AM to 7 PM
Don’t forgot our Demo Days this weekend there will be other fun stuff to do fishing wise when you come up.
Hex Hatch is winding down but some of the colder upper sections of rivers are still producing a nice evening hatch. Summer run Skamania Season is here in force, and you can find them in all the cold water inlets on the Big Manistee. Early run king salmon are here on the Little Man but you have to cover a lot of water to find those hard running early fish. Top water and streamer time for smallmouth bass this can be a great time to enjoy some fast action on the river. Our home water on the Pine river really excels for a HOpportunity as the fish switch from mayfly’s to terrestrials, (Ants, Grass Hoppers, Stimulators) the Pine river fishes its best when it’s low and clear, come enjoy a great day with amazing scenery on the Pine.
Give us a call we have guides and rooms for you so you can enjoy a great July.
Captain Mike Batcke

June 9, 2023

It’s officially bug season here in northern Michigan! Nymphs, emergers and dries are all the rage right now and the trout are showing us just how much they love this time of year. Fish are aware when the hatches start, they change behavior to take advantage of all the food sources they have presented to them. In the early morning as the sun is starting to come over the edges you can bet, they are starting to pick off nymphs hanging on the rocks in the cooler water closer to the river bottom. Although we are off to a great start when it comes to bugs and weather, we really could use some heavy rain. Our rivers are sitting a little low and clear, plus we’ve been experiencing high sun, no clouds and temps in the 80/90s. This will play a role in the mid-day bite, making it tougher to see active fish. However, late afternoon and evening fishing is when things turn on! Fishing when the day is cooling down is safer for trout streams and fish are much more active and aggressive. At this time, you can expect to see tons of Stoneflies right now, just have a look down on any rock and you’ll see them crawling around. Caddis, Isonychias, and Sulphurs are around as well. Plus, Brown Drakes should be coming any day now, maybe by the time you’re reading this! The Pine is just down the road from our shop and is a great fishery for all things trout and it always has a variety of hatches going on.
Looking forward
June brings one of the greatest hatches Michigan has to offer, the Hex hatch! The largest mayflies in North America, and the chance for anyone to catch a trophy Brown Trout. These bugs can be over 2 inches in length with a notable yellow body, large wings and long tails. We begin to watch for these nighttime giants to start showing up early to mid-June. However, they are very weather dependent, ideally, we need to have three days in a row of daytime temps 80 degrees or more and 65 to 70 degrees at nightfall. They thrive when water temps are at or above 60 degrees. We should be getting there any day now. Nighttime is the right time, appearing in the skies at dusk you may be able to catch the clouds of Hex’s traveling the tree line like a highway. Just adding to the excitement and accomplishment you’ll feel while waiting in the dark, listening for trout to sip them one after the other. If you’re looking to fulfill that nighttime urge before the Hex, mousing is always an option. In the dusk and into the night, twitching a mouse pattern along the grass or stump lines can also get you hooked up to a giant! Hoppers and terrestrials should be coming in the next few weeks, if we keep up these hot temperatures. An example of a great set up for that time is a Chubby Chernobyl fly alone or make it twice as nice and tie on a small nymph or soft hackle about 18in below that. The hopper fly works on its own or as an attractor fly and an indicator all at the same time!

Fly and Tackle Shop Hours
- Sunday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Monday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Tuesday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Wednesday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Thursday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Friday - 7 AM to 6 PM
- Saturday - 7 AM to 6 PM
Fly and Tackle Shop Extended Hours
- March 15 through April 30
- September 1 through November 15
- Friday - 7 AM to 7 PM
- Saturday - 7 AM to 7 PM
As your read this I am sure if you live in the Mid-West you know we are at a near record low in Rainfall for this time of year. Please be responsible and don’t burn at all until we get some rain, things are really scary right now and we don’t need to be the reason for setting our beautiful forest on fire. Low water – lack of sleep, just remember to have a little pause as things get hectic with fishing pressure, this season there will always be another trout, another bend etc. easier to play nice and take the highroad. If you have a pass to go fishing only a few days a year use that pass and hire one of our dialed in guides to take you on a trip of your lifetime this month just to see some of our evening hatches and watch the fish feeding around them is something to take note and awe.
We keep all the patterns mentioned stocked at the shop, along with all the accessories, like floatant, tippet, leaders, nippers, nets, headlamps and more. Plus wading gear and bags! Call or stop in for more information.
Captain Mike Batcke

May 17 , 2023

Summer is here in Northern Michigan! Temps in our area have been in the 70s/80s for the last week, which means we have seen an abundance of hatches. Grey Drakes (#8/#10) Hendricksons (#12/#14) Caddis, Little Black Caddis (#12/#14/#16/#18) Tiny Blue-winged Olive (#20/#22) Stoneflies (#10/#12/#14) and Isos (#10#12/#14) The Little Manistee, Pine, The Big Man and the Pere Marquette all have a different selection of these happening this week. Due to the weather being so hot and not a cloud in the sky you can expect these guys to hit the water right before dusk. Bring a good selection of spinners and dries with you if you’re planning on catching a hatch. Also in the lower clearer water that we’re seeing right now if you’re looking for a morning or afternoon trip, grab some white, yellow or olive streamers. If you’re planning on throwing a spin rod grab some #2/#4 spinners. Choose ones with a color scheme in gold, silver, bronze and blue. Smaller hard body baits in gold, bronze, chrome or purple are a good meat option too.
Hex fishing is going to come up quick this year if we continue having warm nights and hot afternoons. June 1st is a date we save to start looking for these giant flies, that attract giant fish! If you’re looking to get out in the dark before then, mousing is always a good option. Skating a foam bodied mouse with a rabbit strip belly alone the log jams or cut banks can produce an explosion from a meat-eating trout! Dead drifting with a slight twitch can also work if you’re dealing with a picky fish. All in all, it’s a great time to get out and take advantage of all the options we have at our finger tips this time of year. If you have more questions, feel free to call or email the shop.
Fly and Tackle Shop Hours
- Sunday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Monday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Tuesday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Wednesday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Thursday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Friday - 7 AM to 6 PM
- Saturday - 7 AM to 6 PM
Fly and Tackle Shop Extended Hours
- March 15 through April 30
- September 1 through November 15
- Friday - 7 AM to 7 PM
- Saturday - 7 AM to 7 PM

Time to get well stocked with Energy Drinks and coffee for those that have to actually wake up in the morning and like dry fly fish, this time of year definitely revolves around fishing the evening hatches which can come well into early morning depending on what’s happening. From what I see in the long range forecast I can see Gray Drakes peaking next week and lasting until the end of the month.
We need some rain quite badly things are getting very scary in the woods before things green up good so please don’t do any reckless burning outside or Smokey the Bear will be angry. The anadromous fish out in the lake seem healthy and in a month we will have our early Alaskan Strain Kings in the Little Manistee River with any luck we will have another great run of Kings and Cohos this year I really am happy to see the rebound of the migratory fish lately on the little man we finished up with a very nice spring steelhead run. Remember we are the Pine River specialists we hold 2 of the 3 federal special use permits to guide on the river and our dates sell out fast there. This is a special place for summer trout fishing don’t miss a day out with our guides on this amazing river if you haven’t experienced the Pine your missing out on something truly special.
Captain Mike Batcke
April 19 , 2023
So far, the spring season is continuing to produce for us here in Northern Michigan. The last couple weeks have proven to be very consistent, with multiple fish to the net each day. Our guides are putting in the work, and taking advantage of the flows finally starting to even out mostly sitting around 1800-2000 CFS. The water has that perfect green stain to it and temps are sitting around 38 degrees. Not a surprise we are having luck with the classic pattern when it comes to flies, like woolly buggers, stone flies, egg sucking leaches, egg flies and a variety of pheasant tail patterns. Beads are always a reliable option as well. Grab for colors that are transparent, but bright oranges or pinks. Chartreuse or brighter greens, also transparent, are working for us lately. Jigs and wax worms can get you that extra bite, especially on the slower days, use brighter pinks or any combination of black and a bright color. The Steelhead seems to be on the larger size this spring already, making the fight even better! We should have a great spring season, there’s seems to be no shortage on the number of fish in the system. If you’re wondering whether you should come to our area in the near future, I would say yes. Everything is coming together water and weather wise, so now is the time. If you have any questions, or need any advice give us a call at the shop. We hope to see you soon.
Fly and Tackle Shop Hours
- Sunday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Monday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Tuesday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Wednesday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Thursday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Friday - 7 AM to 6 PM
- Saturday - 7 AM to 6 PM
Fly and Tackle Shop Extended Hours
- March 15 through April 30
- September 1 through November 15
- Friday - 7 AM to 7 PM
- Saturday - 7 AM to 7 PM
We had a week of 80 degree weather 4-10/4-15 bringing on buds on the trees and lot of steelhead spawning on the P.M. and Bear Creek, moving our traditional timing up 4/5 days. That being said I think the Big man will peak 4-22/25 and fish well into the month of May for steelhead, as things temp wise are getting back to somewhat normal. The Little Man is our gem and as you may or may not know has the fish weir operating as of today 4/19/23 they have passed 1,973 fish and have met there quota they are keeping the rest of the fish about 800 in the raceways to make sure the eggs are developing correctly etc. Needless to say the Little Man opened on April 1 and it has been fishing great come to our shop and we can show you some of the access points to enjoy this blue ribbon stream. The little man can be perfectly enjoyed with a lightweight spinning outfit with a small spinner, a indicator fly presentation, whatever being its easily waded on foot, bring your boxing gloves though these fish are tough to land in this small body of water. A perfect 2 days of guided fishing is the Little Manistee for a day and the Big Manistee for the next come enjoy these federal protected rivers with the expertise of a guide.
Captain Mike Batcke

March 14 , 2023
April has been quite the month for us so far. We started out the first weekend with a wild snowstorm that left us with over a foot of snow in just 12 hours. We had several guides out that day and as crazy as it sounds that was a great fishing day. Shovels were needed and heaters were no help as they were buried in the fast fall, but that weekend was the start of the true “peak season” at least in our area. The snow came that day and left the next, all that remained was a stain in the water color, which we needed at the time. The next week was great, fresh fish moved in and the water temps were perfect. Now to more recent times….we did have quite the rain storm about 2 weeks ago, with over 8 inches of water coming in just two days. That left us with almost record high water flows and flooding of the banks on the smaller rivers. Although those few days during and after the storm weren’t good news, once things got back to normal levels and cleared up a bit, which was about last week, things have been great for the water systems near us. As of early last week we have been seeing a tremendous amount of fresh fish, steelhead to be specific, many of them are on the larger side. On the Big Manistee and other small rivers near us, the trout have been up in numbers by a lot. We have been seeing chunky trout with decent size and many more than in the past years. Fry patterns are popping, stone flies are a classic along with wigglers and egg patterns. Things are looking up for the rest of the month and soon the smaller creeks will be opening and trout season will be in full affect. Don’t forget about our trout opener party on April 29th 2-8pm here at the shop. We will have food, raffles, contest, bon fires, and more.
Fly and Tackle Shop Hours
- Sunday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Monday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Tuesday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Wednesday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Thursday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Friday - 7 AM to 6 PM
- Saturday - 7 AM to 6 PM
Fly and Tackle Shop Extended Hours
- March 15 through April 30
- September 1 through November 15
- Friday - 7 AM to 7 PM
- Saturday - 7 AM to 7 PM

February 26, 2023
February has brought us many different seasons, in this short month. We’ve seen everything between highs in the 40’s then high of 12. This made fishing a bit more difficult, we needed the temps to even out and also get some more water. Nearing the end of the month we have seen both of things happen. The Big Manistee and the tribs are sitting at a great level and have that perfect “steelhead green” tint to them. Especially in the last two weeks we’ve been seeing more stable conditions so in return more bobbers down and chrome in the net! So, what’s working? Mostly translucent beads in oranges and pink, however something that may not be so obvious is a chartreuse bead. Especially in January and February you should throw out a bight chartreuse bead to heat things up if the bite is slow. Also, you can’t go wrong with egg flies as well, glo bugs and rag eggs are a couple favorites. This time of year, it may help to use a smaller size hook. In the colder weather when the fish slow down, they aren’t as aggressive as we see them in the fall. You may notice that bites in the late winter are more peck-ish and the fish are more cautious and slow to attack. Back to what’s working, egg sucking leaches with green, red, pink or orange heads. Wolly Buggers area classic and should always be in the fly box, stones flies are a year-round resident of the river so you can trust those are a snack. Try running a double rig, two beads or two flies can double your odds and let you know which one of the two is working better to narrow down what fish are in the mood for that day.
Fly and Tackle Shop Hours
- Sunday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Monday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Tuesday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Wednesday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Thursday - 9 AM to 5 PM
- Friday - 7 AM to 6 PM
- Saturday - 7 AM to 6 PM
Fly and Tackle Shop Extended Hours
- March 15 through April 30
- September 1 through November 15
- Friday - 7 AM to 7 PM
- Saturday - 7 AM to 7 PM